Galaxy Lending Group's Blog

Jay Luber, president of Phoenix-based Galaxy Lending, is a veteran of Arizona’s mortgage market. His thoughts and advice for borrowers:… Read More

The expansion of the Home Affordable Refinancing Plan was announced last November, and some lenders have begun taking applications. But the federal government had to work out some issues with the program and lenders before it could officially launch it. An earlier version of HARP allowed homeowners with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie… Read More

Homeowners in Arizona as well as Florida, Nevada and Michigan are especially hard hit and home values have fallen as much as fifty percent. Even though today’s interest rates are at a record low, some are unable to refinance their homes or reduce their monthly mortgage payments. To help homeowners reduce their mortgage costs through… Read More

The Obama administration on Monday announced long-awaited details of an expansion of a program that helps homeowners refinance to reduce their payments. Mortgage rates have fallen to record lows, and many homeowners would save hundreds of dollars a month if they could reduce the amount of interest they pay. But the housing crash has created… Read More

However, today’s devastating market is exasperated by factors that are not typical. A look back at past cycles will help to understand why today’s downturn is so different, and why it is taking longer for the market to rebound.… Read More

With our economy largely based on home building, Phoenix was particularly hard hit, as were areas of Florida, Nevada and Michigan. Although devastating, economic downturns are a normal part of the growth cycle and I am confident that Phoenix will recover soon as we diversify.… Read More