
Home Buying

Buying your dream home maybe is what you always wanted. But amidst all the excitement and eagerness, don’t forget that buying a home can be one of the most crucial decisions you can make! Home is the biggest financial decision one can make and will remain your precious asset. It is an important decision and… Read More

boost your credit score

Your credit score is an important part of your financial life, especially if you’re thinking about buying a home. Your credit score is determined by five main factors and is used to determine whether a lender will grant you a loan, how much they’ll lend you, and at what rate you’ll accrue interest on it.… Read More

If you’re on the market for a new home, you’ve probably started looking into different types of loans. The typical loan is a conforming loan, but that has a limit in most areas in the country of $484,350 (some areas with a higher cost of living have a higher limit), so if you’re looking into… Read More