Saving Money

However, a report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition has concluded those who work full-time at minimum wage are unable to afford the rent for even a two bedroom apartment in the United States. Therefore, it may be time to check if the scales have been tipped in favor of buying for many Americans.… Read More

For many, a home mortgage is the largest debt they will ever owe, attached to the most valuable asset they will ever own. For first-time home buyers or those considering homeownership, understanding the ins and outs of obtaining a home mortgage and how it will impact their finances is crucial. If buying a home is… Read More

But when exactly is the right time to consider a refinance? There are some important considerations when deciding whether to refinance. For most homeowners the main purpose of refinancing is to either shorten the term of the loan, reduce the monthly payments, switch between a fixed-rate or adjustable-rate loan, or use home equity.… Read More

Depending on your circumstances and credit history, you can get loans or avail of government programs that offer lower down payments to help you get on the property ladder. These alternative methods, however, can have downsides, so it is important that you choose the option that best suits your financial situation.… Read More

However, sometimes it’s how you balance your budget, rather than how much you have in your monthly budget that matters. There are a number of saving methods you can use, with some clever adjustments to your budget that will allow you to save for a down payment without over burdening you financially. You will, of… Read More

So where should you invest your money now days without the least amount of risk and highest monetary gains? While there is always some risk when you try to increase your assets, here are five of the best places to invest your money that will help you safely grow your wealth.… Read More